The Infiltration of Cultic Cards in Christian Churches
I have been alarmed to see these occult cards spreading through Christian communities. Recently I was preaching at my home church, and a group of people came and handed out angel cards. The crazy part is that they did not see anything wrong with it. I told the security team to kindly let them know they were not allowed to do that, and they apologized. It shocked me that people in church would think these things are OK.
Tarot cards are heavily used in the occult. The term occult originates from the Latin occultus, signifying the concealment or secrecy of certain aspects. In satanism, witchcraft, and ritual magic, the term implies practices to attain insights into the spiritual realm or to wield power through interactions with spirits of the dead, pagan deities, and so-called “spirit guides.” In biblical terms, this entails communication with fallen angels, commonly called demons or familiar spirits.
The origin of tarot is a subject of debate among both tarot historians and practicing psychics. However, it appears to have originated as a card game in the fourteenth century, gradually transforming into a tool for divination. Two renowned French occultists are often acknowledged for their roles in popularizing tarot card readings in Paris during the 1800s. Since then, tarot reading has become a specialized skill that is commonly used today for psychic readings.
While some stick to tarot cards alone, others also use oracle cards and angel cards for different reasons. The first tarot deck designed specifically for occult purposes was created in 1789. These occult decks consist of seventy-eight cards divided into two “arcana.” These and the cards specific to them are the Major Arcana: Cards in this part include the Emperor, the Empress, the High Priestess, the Magician, the Hierophant, the Hermit, Temperance, the Tower, the Chariot, Strength, Justice, the Lovers, the Moon, the Star, the Sun, the World, Wheel of Fortune, the Hanged Man, the Devil, Death, the Fool, and Judgment.
Nothing about this practice or these cards is Christian. They are purely demonic and used for divination purposes, which the Bible detests. Every tarot card reader has their own method of reading the cards, but it usually consists of a spirit guide (demon) telling them which one to read for the specific person. Quite literally, demons guide this entire process. These are divination tools that channel demons. Leviticus 19:31 (NKJV) states, “Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.” God repeatedly reminded His people that He was the Lord God. To fall sway or give credence to mediums and familiar spirits is an attempt to displace God as Lord.
Galatians 5:19–21 outlines what the works of the flesh look like. Sorcery is included in the list, and Paul says, “Those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God” (v. 21). When you let someone use any of these cards on you, you’re opening a door for demons. You don’t need a card to tell you your future. You need to go to God, and He will unveil it. The Bible says God orders the steps of the righteous. He has it all planned out. Stop stressing. Tarot cards open the door for demons not only in you but also in your home.
To learn more about Isaiah Saldivar’s new book, How to Cast Out Demons, visit MyCharismaShop.com