The Deception of the Elect
In the End Times, many people will be deceived, even some of the elect (Matthew 24:24). False Christs, teachers, and prophets are roaming around, looking to mislead non-believers and believers to achieve their ultimate goal: To separate humans from God. But how do you identify such false entities?
During a Demon Slayer podcast, Alexander Pagani, Isaiah Saldivar, Mike Signorelli, and Vlad Savchuk discussed seven distinct aspects of Catholicism that are contrary to Christian living. Some examples include the veneration of saints, the ritual of transubstantiation, the confession of sins to saints, and the existence of holy relics. Even the “holiest” of organizations have fallen to false interpretations of Scripture.
In Alexander Pagani’s latest book, The Secrets to Maintaining Your Deliverance, he warns about following non-Biblical teachings: “I write these words with deep frustration today because I just learned that a three-year-old girl in Northern California died at the hands of her mom, grandfather (a pastor), and uncle as they attempted to perform an exorcism on her. In their ignorance, they turned to cultish rituals and assumed that deliverance must involve vomiting. Multiple times they pried her mouth open and put their fingers down her throat, trying to cause her to vomit to get what they thought was a demon to come out.
Deliverance does not equal vomiting. Do demons at times come out through vomiting? Yes, but vomiting is not a mandatory ritual that must be followed.
All three adults involved in this case have been charged with child abuse resulting in death. Yet I think that if we don’t teach the church how to operate in biblical deliverance, this will be only the beginning. Through the years I have seen some bizarre rituals take place in church services, with the minister claiming it was ‘spiritual warfare.’ I remember that in 1995, one preacher would get up in the middle of services and just start screaming at the devil at the top of his lungs, binding and loosing. One time he was so disruptive that security was called and he was escorted out of the building. I have so many stories about these weird practices. But one thing I know is that those who perform or are recipients of such rituals almost instantly lose their freedom after it is achieved.
Stay away from these extreme, bizarre rituals that pose as valid deliverance tactics. Ask yourself whether they glorify Christ or steer attention away from Christ and onto the practices themselves. Some rituals in the church are beautiful, such as water baptism, Communion, and even foot washing; these are sanctioned by Jesus because they serve as symbols of Christ and His work. However, many of the strange deliverance rituals we see lean more toward witchcraft and occult practices.”
For more information on Alexander Pagani’s newest book,
The Secrets to Maintaining Your Deliverance, visit MyCharismaShop.com