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The Arrival of America’s Ninevah Movement

The Arrival of America’s Ninevah Movement

Genesis 1:14 (NKJV) states that God created “lights in the firmament of the heavens” for “signs and seasons.” Psalm 19:1–2 declares, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.”

The Great North American Eclipse of 2024 combined with the Great American Eclipse of 2017 formed a giant X in the middle of America, centered in Carbondale, Illinois, famously known as “Little Egypt.” We know from Scripture and history that Egypt was the enslaver of Israel. Throughout the Bible, the country represents an enslaving power. We also know that God set Israel free from their bondage in Egypt through supernatural signs and wonders, including the Ten Plagues.

The total solar eclipse in 2024 traversed the United States from Texas to Maine, just days after a planetary alignment, captivating millions. Remarkably, there was a partial or total eclipse in seven towns named Nineveh (or Ninevah) in the United States and one in Nova Scotia, Canada; two of those were in the path of totality, along with Jonah, Texas. Nineveh was the great city in the Bible that repented because Jonah told them they were about to be judged by God. Nineveh experienced a total solar eclipse on June 15, 763 BC, which may have been not long before Jonah arrived to pronounce judgment.

During the Great American Eclipse of 2017, which crossed only the United States, five towns named Salem (meaning peace or wholeness), from the same Hebrew word as Jerusalem (meaning city of peace), were in the path of totality.

“[Eclipses] are absolutely huge,” said Pastor Mark Biltz, founder of El Shaddai Ministries. “You have to realize how God communicates with us. Just like with one if by land, two if by sea lantern lights…God made signs for us if we know when and where to look for them. The number one reason He says is for signs. It doesn’t say light. It doesn’t say heat. It says signs, and that refers completely to eclipses.”

Between the eclipses of 2017 and 2024, an annular eclipse occurred on October 14, 2023, a week after the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel. An annular eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly between the Earth and the sun but does not completely cover the sun. The annular eclipse started in Oregon, just like the 2017 eclipse, and went down through Texas, crossing the corner of an area known as the Texas Triangle, the number one sex trafficking area in the US, said Biltz.

The paths of the eclipses in 2017, 2023, and 2024 formed the letters Aleph and Tav, the first and last letters in the Hebrew alphabet—or “Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End,” the title of Jesus Christ in Revelation 22:13.


“I think God always warns before He strikes,” said Biltz. “He gave us a seven-year warning…from the 2017 eclipse, and this one is His final warning. This X is also the font of the ancient letter Tav. Tav in Hebrew means sign. OK, so this is the X marks the spot that is God’s signature… The scientific thing about this is so amazing… Every Hebrew letter has a numerical value like Roman numerals. The letter Tav is four hundred, and God said He uses eclipses for signs [Gen. 1:14]. Tav means sign. The only reason we can have an eclipse is because the sun is exactly four hundred times larger than the moon and four hundred times further away. So, this is definitely God-ordained—God’s sign that judgment is coming. And I pray that the people repent, but I believe the church today is asleep.”

Was the April 8, 2024, eclipse the Nineveh moment Billy Graham foresaw? Is God telling our nation, shortly before the presidential election on November 5, that we’re facing judgment—or revival? These signs remind us that God communicates through the heavens, urging us to repent and prepare for what is to come. The total solar eclipses serve as significant markers, inviting us to discern the times and respond to God’s call.

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