New book, ‘Dr. Colbert’s Healthy Brain Zone,’ outlines devastating impact of heavy metals on the brain — and how to avoid it
‘Prevention is truly the best cure’ when it comes to heavy metals, says bestselling author
DALLAS — Millions of people across America are exposed to heavy metals yet have no idea what such toxins can do to their bodies. Heavy metals can cause serious, life-threatening illness, including severe brain damage.
Bestselling author Dr. Don Colbert recently released his latest book, “Dr. Colbert’s Healthy Brain Zone,” to concisely identify the key steps needed to break the cycle of memory loss, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. When it comes to heavy metals, Dr. Colbert clearly explains why it is vital to proactively avoid heavy metals before the damage is done.
“Heavy metals are a dementogen (dementia-causing agent) that comes in many different forms,” Colbert said. “Of course, nobody goes around eating, drinking, or exposing themselves to heavy metals on purpose. Nonetheless, these metals may eventually get into our bodies and cause untold damage.
“There are two problems with heavy metals: firstly, they are toxic and cause disease, including Alzheimer’s and dementia, and secondly, they accumulate over time. As they build up, our bodies store these toxins in the worst places — our brains, blood, bones, and fat. They slowly saturate the cell membrane and prevent the body from doing its job.
“Over time, the slowly accumulated toxins begin to have their disease-causing effect. Because it happens so slowly, the results are unexpected and may appear ‘suddenly.’ Had preventive measures been taken, the toxins never would have accumulated and the subsequent diseases would not have gained a foothold. Prevention is truly the best cure!”
Some heavy metals have more of an effect than others, Colbert warns. Colbert continued, “Of all the heavy metals, mercury is the worst. It has been known to cause countless health problems, including the plaques and tangles in the brain always found in Alzheimer’s patients. Our primary sources of mercury are the silver fillings in our teeth and consuming too much fish, but mercury is also in drinking water, air, oceans, and soil, as well as certain vaccinations and cosmetics.
“Our biggest daily exposure to mercury is from our silver dental fillings—yet dentists still use it to this day! About 55% of the silver fillings in our teeth are mercury, and each filling releases one microgram of mercury per day into the body. Where does this mercury go? It accumulates in fatty organs, including the brain.”
In the book, Dr. Colbert looks inside the science and provides natural protocols and treatments for cognitive decline, including:
- A weekly plan that incorporates supplements and healthy eating for optimum results
- Thirty easy-to-make recipes for restoring balance and maximizing brain function
- Instructions for other simple protocols that help maintain a healthy brain
For more information about “Dr. Colbert’s Healthy Brain Zone,” click here.
Don Colbert, MD, has been a board-certified family practice doctor for more than twenty-five years in Orlando, Florida, and most recently in Dallas, Texas. He is also board certified in antiaging medicine through the American Academy of AntiAging Medicine and has received extensive training in nutritional and preventative medicine. He is the author of three New York Times best-selling books, including “Let Food Be Your Medicine,” “The Seven Pillars of Health” and “Dr. Colbert’s ‘I Can Do This’ Diet” along with best sellers “Toxic Relief,” the Bible Cure series, “Living in Divine Health,” and “Stress Less.” He has sold more than ten million books and treated more than fifty thousand patients in his years of practicing medicine.
“Dr. Colbert’s Healthy Brain Zone” is published by Siloam, an imprint of Charisma House.
To interview Dr. Don Colbert or to receive a review copy of “Dr. Colbert’s Healthy Brain Zone,” contact Media@HamiltonStrategies.com, Jeff Tolson, 610.584.1096, ext. 108, or Deborah Hamilton, ext. 102.