God Has Called Us to an Abundant Life
We are not here by accident. We have a God-given circle of influence. We cannot stand idly by while injustice occurs. We must pay attention to what’s happening around us and seek God’s direction in how He wants to use us. He has placed us in the time, the position, and the place He wants us to be. And He invites us to join in His work confidently. In Esther’s day, the duty to save a nation fell to her, and God had given her all she needed to accomplish the task. God has done the same for us, whatever the task He assigns, and He will use us in “such a time as this.”
No Giant is Greater than the Holy Spirit
David faced Goliath who clearly had more physical strength and armament, yet David had the favor of God and walked out his calling. This took him from the lowliest place to rule the entire nation of Israel eventually. There are modern-day Esthers and Davids reading this right now who are being inspired by the Holy Spirit to accomplish something big. While there are many significant challenges and threats before us, and it is easy to feel overwhelmed, God isn’t out of moves nor has He forsaken us. If we make the mission souls, God will bless us and put His favor on us. It’s imperative that the church aligns with God’s plan and will in this hour. We must return to the basics and return to our first love, Jesus Christ. We must remember that God is not done. As long as we are here, there is work to be done and we can and will experience great miracles, signs, and wonders.
It’s time for the glorious church to rise up and come out from among them. As we do, we will see a massive end-time harvest and experience the glory and presence of the most High God. Don’t let another day of apathy or complacency happen. It’s go-time. You were made for a time such as this.
The system is corrupt. I know it, you know it, and I think many more people than they want to also know it. It can be extremely discouraging if we sit and wallow in this reality. So many egregious things are happening in our nation and world. It can make us feel helpless…and small…if we allow our emotions and flesh to dictate where we exist in the natural. Yet we serve a supernatural God! He is never out of solutions! We will always stand for truth and righteousness! Period. We are not citizens of this world, we are in it, but not of it!
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” - Philippians 4:8
He Came That We Might Have an Abundant Life
The truth is, we are not defeated. If we have Jesus in our hearts and are living for Him, we live an abundant life! The term "abundant life" comes from the Bible verse John 10:10, "I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly." "More abundantly" means to have a superabundance of a thing. "Abundant life" refers to life in its abounding fullness of joy and strength for spirit, soul, and body. Do we believe this? Do we walk in it?
In Christ, we have the answer for this dying world. His name is Jesus Christ. He is the author and finisher of our story! He has NOT forsaken us! It’s time to press in and go deeper than ever before! So many are in serious need right now. So many are broken and hurt. So many are confused and depressed. So many are searching for answers to life’s biggest challenges and questions!
We must respond to these things. There is a tremendous harvest out there waiting to be tended to! It must be about souls! And we must respond and fulfill the Great Commission!
Here is where the re-calibration is happening at the ministry...
God has given us a mandate to make it about SOULS. It’s time to focus on what is KINGDOM. The church has the authority to pull down the strongholds in this nation! The church must be activated, equipped, sent out, and we must occupy until He comes.
I am not disappointed, discouraged, or depressed. We are literally just getting started! This is the time we were made to be alive! Hallelujah!
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