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Evangelist Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider announces inaugural Taking the Rainbow Back Weekend

Evangelist Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider announces inaugural Taking the Rainbow Back Weekend

‘The rainbow belongs to God alone, and we as His children must stand up and reclaim this image for His glory’ 

COLUMBUS, Ohio  For 45 years, the rainbow has served as an emblem of the LGBTQ movement. But according to acclaimed author and international revivalist Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider, the rainbow has been disconnected from its divine origin and centuries of spiritual significance.

Schneider noted, “The rainbow represented God’s promise of forgiveness, redemption, and love of humanity whom He created in His own image. Ezekiel saw the glory of the Lord as a rainbow. And in the book of Revelation, John witnessed a rainbow around God’s throne. For centuries the rainbow has served as a sign of God’s glory. Yet in today’s world, God’s people are afraid to be associated with the rainbow because the LGBTQ community has hijacked it as their own symbol.”

Now Rabbi Schneider is challenging believers to reclaim this powerful symbol for the glory of God. Taking the Rainbow Back is an initiative designed to remove the LGBTQ stigma around the rainbow by fostering a unified, vocal response from the body of Christ.

Schneider stated, “The rainbow belongs to God and God alone, and we as His children must stand up and reclaim the rainbow for His glory and for the protections of our family, our children, and our nation. There has not been a consolidated movement within the body of Christ to oppose the unrighteousness happening within the LGBTQ community and the hijacking of the rainbow, the sacred symbol that was put in the sky all the way back in the book of Genesis — and the time is now.”

This summer, Rabbi Schneider is launching the inaugural Taking Back the Rainbow Weekend. From July 28-30, Schneider is calling believers everywhere to wear themed apparel that proclaims the divine origins of the rainbow while gathering in public spaces. Participants are encouraged to hand out bottles of water in a public place, go on a walk at a busy park, or hand out a special rainbow evangelistic tract that is being developed.

Schneider said, “We as God’s people need to rise up and take the rainbow back. We should not shy away from wearing rainbow clothing or decorating with the rainbow. Do not let the LGBTQ community steal what is God’s and force their agenda on us and our nation. All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men and women of faith to do nothing.”

To learn more about Rabbi Schneider’s initiative, visit

After a startling vision of Christ led to his salvation in 1978, Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider dedicated his life to a passionate pursuit of Messiah Jesus and being used by God for His purpose. His experience in both personal spiritual warfare and ministry has equipped him to bring to God’s Church deep insight into how to gain power over the realm of darkness and live-in victory.

Today Rabbi Schneider hosts the impactful television program, Discovering The Jewish Jesus, which is available in more than one hundred million homes in the United States and nearly two hundred nations worldwide. In 2020, he began broadcasting on radio and now airs across America. Rabbi Schneider imparts revelation of Jesus’ Jewish heritage and His fulfillment of Messianic prophecy. Questions of how the Old and New Testaments tie together, and how Yeshua completes the unfolding plan of The Almighty Yahweh, are answered with exceptional clarity.

Rabbi Schneider has authored several books, including “Called to Breakthrough,” “Do Not Be Afraid,” “Self-Deliverance,” “The Lion of Judah,” “Rivers of Revelation,” “The Mystery of Dreams,” and “Rivers of Divine Truth.” He has been featured in The Jerusalem Post and is a frequent guest on national TV programs, including The 700 Club, Daystar’s Ministry Now and The Joni Show, and has been featured on Mornings with Maria on Fox Business Network.


To interview Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider, contact, Jeff Tolson, 610.584.1096, ext. 108, or Deborah Hamilton, ext. 102.

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