Superbook - The First Christmas: The Birth of Jesus (Book)
In this book, our heroes go on a journey through time to discover the true meaning of Christmas! Chris is so busy trying to get presents, he won’t ...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - The First Christmas: The Birth of Jesus
In this episode, our heroes go on a journey through time to discover the true meaning of Christmas! Chris is so busy trying to get presents, he won...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - Miracles of Jesus: True Miracles Come Only From God
In this episode, Superbook whisks Chris, Joy and Gizmo off to historical Galilee where Jesus is performing true miracles like healing a cripple, ca...
View full detailsSuperbook - A Giant Adventure: David and Goliath (Book)
In A Giant Adventure, join Chris, his friend Joy, and his robot Gizmo, on an unforgettable journey as Superbook takes them—along with Chris’s mothe...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - A Giant Adventure : David and Goliath
In this episode, Superbook takes our heroes on the frontline of battle when David meets the giant Goliath. CBN's Superbook has received three Dayti...
View full detailsSuperbook - Roar: Daniel and the Lion's Den (Book)
Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo on an adventure where they meet Daniel and King Darius in the land of Babylon. CBN's Superbook has received t...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - Roar: Daniel and the Lion's Den
In this episode, Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo on an adventure where they meet Daniel and King Darius in the land of Babylon. CBN's Superbo...
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Superbook - Noah and the Ark: A Boat for His Family and Every Animal on Earth (Book)
In Noah and the Ark, join Chris, his friend Joy, and his robot Gizmo, on an unforgettable journey as Superbook takes them—along with Chris’s mother...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - Noah and the Ark
In this episode, Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo back in time to meet Noah - the only righteous person in an evil world. He obeys God by buil...
View full detailsSuperbook - Jonah (Book)
These storybooks bring Bible stories to life using the same beautiful artwork from the classic Superbook series that received three Daytime Emmy no...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - Jonah
In this episode, Superbook takes Joy, Chris, and Gizmo to meet Jonah, who is swallowed by a great fish as he resists God's plan to show mercy to wi...
View full detailsSuperbook - The Ten Commandments: Moses and the Law (Book)
The adventure begins as Superbook transports Chris, his neighbor Joy, and their robot friend, Gizmo, to the Sinai Desert, where they meet Moses, Aa...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - The Ten Commandments: Moses and the Law
In this episode, Superbook takes our three heroes, Chris, Joy and Gizmo, on a trip back in time to learn that rules are in place to protect you. CB...
View full detailsSuperbook - Esther (Book)
In this episode, Superbook whisks Chris, Joy, and Gizmo back to ancient Persia, where a wicked man named Haman is plotting to kill the Jews. The c...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - Esther
In this episode, Superbook whisks Chris, Joy, and Gizmo back to ancient Persia, where a wicked man named Haman is plotting to kill the Jews. The c...
View full detailsSuperbook - The Fiery Furnace! (Book)
In this episode, Superbook whisks Chris, Joy, and Gizmo back to ancient Babylon. There, they meet Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who must bow to...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - The Fiery Furnace
In this episode, Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo to ancient Babylon to meet Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego. The three Hebrew men must choos...
View full detailsSuperbook - Jesus Feeds the Hungry (Book)
0.00 /
0 Review
In Jesus Feeds the Hungry, join Chris, his friend Joy, and his robot Gizmo, on an unforgettable journey. Joy organizes a craft fair to raise money ...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - Jesus Feeds the Hungry
In Jesus Feeds the Hungry, join Chris, his friend Joy, and his robot Gizmo, on an unforgettable journey. Joy organizes a craft fair to raise money ...
View full detailsSuperbook - He Is Risen!: The Resurrection of Jesus (Book)
In He Is Risen!, join Chris, his friend Joy, and his robot Gizmo, on an unforgettable journey as Superbook takes them—along with Chris’s mother, Ph...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - He Is Risen!: The Resurrection of Jesus
In this episode, Superbook takes Chris, Joy, Gizmo and Chris' mother, Phoebe, back in time for an encounter with Jesus’ mother Mary during the time...
View full detailsSuperbook - The Good Samaritan (Book)
In this episode, Superbook takes Chris, his friend Joy, and his robot, Gizmo, to hear Jesus tell the story of a traveler who is beaten and robbed. ...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - The Good Samaritan
In this episode, Superbook takes Chris, his friend Joy, and his robot, Gizmo, to hear Jesus tell the story of a traveler who is beaten and robbed. ...
View full detailsSuperbook - The Prodigal Son (Book)
In The Prodigal Son, Superbook transports Chris, his neighbor Joy, and their robot friend, Gizmo, to ancient Galilee, where Jesus is telling the pa...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - The Prodigal Son
In this episode, Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo to ancient Galilee. Jesus tells the story of the prodigal son - a young man who leaves home ...
View full detailsSuperbook - Jesus Heals the Blind (Book)
5.0 / 5.0
1 Review
In this episode, Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo on an adventure. CBN's Superbook has received three Daytime Emmy nominations. The Superbook ...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - Jesus Heals the Blind
In this episode, Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo on an adventure. CBN's Superbook has received three Daytime Emmy nominations. The Superbook ...
View full detailsSuperbook - Let My People Go!: The Story of Exodus (Book)
In Let My People Go!, join Chris, his friend Joy, and his robot Gizmo, on an unforgettable journey as Superbook takes them—along with Chris’s mothe...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - Let My People Go!: The Story of Exodus
In this episode, Superbook takes our heroes on a first-hand adventure to experience Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. CBN's Superbook has ...
View full detailsSuperbook - Ruth (Book)
In Ruth, join Chris, his friend, Joy, and his robot, Gizmo, as Superbook takes them to ancient Bethlehem. They meet a young widow named Ruth who gi...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - Ruth
In this episode, Chris is upset when his mother asks him to give up a fun weekend at the lake to do chores for his eccentric old aunt. That’s when ...
View full detailsSuperbook - Samuel and the Call of God (Book)
0.00 /
0 Review
In this episode, Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo on an adventure! Chris believes he is too young to be called by God to help Jason. Suddenly,...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - Samuel and the Call of God
In this episode, Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo on an adventure! Chris believes he is too young to be called by God to help Jason. Suddenly,...
View full detailsSuperbook - Jacob and Esau: The Stolen Birthright (Book)
0.00 /
0 Review
In this episode, Superbook intercedes and whisks the kids back to the days of Jacob and Esau to witness forgiveness. CBN's Superbook has received t...
View full detailsSuperbook DVD - Jacob and Esau: The Stolen Birthright
In this episode, Superbook intercedes and whisks the kids back to the days of Jacob and Esau to witness forgiveness. CBN's Superbook has received t...
View full detailsSuperbook - Joseph and Pharaoh's Dream (Book)
In this episode, Superbook takes Chris, Joy, and Gizmo to meet Joseph, who is sold into slavery by his brothers, then rises from prisoner to govern...
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