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You Reap What You Sow

You Reap What You Sow

From the key passage regarding generosity in Luke 6, we find our second giving principle: the law of promise. This law tells us that whatever we give, God will give it right back. Kindness comes back, money comes back, friendship comes back, smiles and hugs come back, meanness comes back, anger comes back. Everything good, bad, or indifferent comes back to you. In Proverbs we see that a soft answer turns away wrath (Prov. 15:1). Here we see the same basic principle at work.

Give, and whatever you give shall be given back. When God says something shall be, He’s saying, “This is an absolute, uncompromising fact.” You give, and whatever you give shall be given back.

Where the law of possession says that God owns it all, the law of promise says if you give what God owns, He will give it back to you. We obviously don’t give in order to receive, but we all have to learn to receive in the right spirit. Why is it we believe every promise in the Bible but that one? We believe whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, right? You believe it so much that you know for a fact you are going to heaven, because you repented and asked Jesus to forgive your sins, right? If you can believe that unmatchable promise, why can’t you believe this one?

If we can believe that demons still tremble at the name of Jesus, if we can believe that cancer still flees at the name of Jesus, and if we can believe in the supernatural unleashing of the gifts in the life of a believer, then why can’t we believe “give, and it shall be given”?

The law of promise in giving is effectively the biblical law of sowing and reaping. What you sow you reap. Don’t forget that lost people and saved people both live under the same laws. That’s why I earlier said that a lost, unregenerate, nonchurchgoing, Bible-denying businessman can institute biblical principles of generosity and see his business blessed. The law of promise operates for everyone on the earth.

When a believer gives with intention while understanding God owns it, then it shall be given back. That’s the promise. It’s fixed. You can’t change that. If you give out watches, you get back watches. You give out love, you get love. The most loving people I know are the ones who receive the most love. The most encouraged people I know are the ones who are giving out the most encouragement. Give, and it shall be given. It’s the law of promise—the law of sowing and reaping.

Want to learn more about the principles of generous giving? Visit and pick up your copy of Greg Locke’s The Generosity Journey.

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