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What Does it Mean to Follow Him?

What Does it Mean to Follow Him?

…and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. —1 Kings 19:12, NKJV

In Revelation 2, Jesus said: “The one who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Obviously, Yeshua is saying: “When you hear the Spirit speaking, listen.” To hear the Holy Spirit we must be actively listening.

To detect the Holy Spirit’s voice, we need to develop the art of intuitive listening. A practical way to develop this sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading is to begin each day by spending alone time with God. During this time we simply look up, sit quietly before Him, and know that He is God. I often listen to gentle worship music during this devotional time.

Beloved one, if we are not disciplining ourselves by sitting before Him and simply being still, we will miss so many of the benefits of being His children. The prophet Elijah said the Lord spoke in a “still small voice.” Detecting the Holy Spirit’s voice is an intentional and trained behavior. It requires such a keen awareness that if we have not developed our attentiveness—if we are not actively listening—we can miss Him.

In order to walk in divine alignment with the Lord and live under His anointing, it will take spiritual discipline. This will then produce active listening that will enable you to hear His still small voice.

Don't Just Listen—Obey His Commands

If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. —Joshua 24:15

There is no middle ground in God. Like the Israelites of old, we must chose who we’re going to follow: either God or the world. We can’t serve both. If we’re going to follow the Lord, we must take our stand, realizing that may mean being rejected for the cause of Christ. We must be His light in the earth, even if it hurts.

Those who want to be accepted by the world can choose the world. They can adopt the posture of the ungodly and reap the consequences. But if we say we’re choosing the Lord, then let’s do it! Let’s live like we belong to Him. Let’s cleanse ourselves of the things that defile us so we’ll be useful to the Master and prepared for every good work. There is no room for compromise. Jesus spits the lukewarm out of His mouth.

Yeshua said straight and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it, but broad and wide is the way that leads to destruction, and many there be that take it. Yeshua chose the Father and was crucified for it. Will you give your time, talent, and treasure to Him first? Beloved one, if we say we choose the Lord, let's go all in.

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