Is America the Modern-Day Ninevah?
It is no secret that America has been in moral and social decline over the past several years if not decades. From the mouths of many prophets, America is approaching the coming Judgement for breaking its covenant with God. Will America seek repentance and turn away from its sinful ways, or will it stick its head in the sand like an ostrich and keep on sinning?
Perry Stone argues that America is actually under a curse. Similar to Israel’s subjugation and collapse when the nation disobeyed God, America is experiencing signs of chaos and destruction. He points to Leviticus and Deuteronomy where the Lord laid out the law of the land: Obey Him, or lose His protective hedge.
There is still a semblance of hope, however. In Troy Anderson’s latest book, The Trump Code, he explains an opportunity for America to repent and return to God: “In 2013, I did an interview with world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham for a seven-part series of articles about the possibility of an end-times ‘great spiritual awakening.’ One of the articles, ‘Billy Graham Sounds Alarm for 2nd Coming,’ went viral after my friend, New York Times bestselling author Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, sent it to actor Pat Boone’s wife, who sent it out to her entire email list.
I included the interview in my first book, The Babylon Code, which I coauthored with McGuire. It is an investigative exposé of globalism and exploration of “Mystery, Babylon” in Revelation 17-18. In early 2016, a prominent pastor, inspired by the book, decided to deliver a box of copies of The Babylon Code to the Trump campaign. Two months later, Trump announced ‘Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo’ as his platform for president. I don’t know if there is a connection, but I’ve always been curious.
In my interview with Graham, he told me that in Jonah’s day, Nineveh was the lone world superpower—wealthy, unconcerned, and self-centered. When the prophet Jonah traveled to Nineveh and proclaimed God’s warning of impending judgment, the people heard and repented. He said he believed the same thing could happen once again, this time in America—that America could have its own Nineveh moment.
We need to turn around, repent of sin, turn to God, and take the narrow road that Jesus talks about in the Bible. The narrow road means that you forsake sin and you obey God, that you live up to the Ten Commandments and that you live up to the Sermon on the Mount desiring to please God in everything. The narrow road is hard and it is difficult; you can’t do that yourself. You need God’s help and that’s the reason we ask people to come to receive Christ because when you receive Him, the Holy Spirit comes to live within to help us live the life. Our world is desperately seeking answers to the deepest questions of life—answers that can only be found in the Gospel. That is the reason for my hope, that there can be changed hearts and a changed society as we yield ourselves to Christ.
I was so inspired by that interview that McGuire and I called for a day of national repentance in our bestseller Trumpocalypse. The last chapter featured an interview with our friend Rev. Kevin Jessip, who later became cochair of The Return. Jessip is a descendant of ‘Pilgrim Fathers’ pastor John Robinson, who provided spiritual guidance to the Pilgrims before their 1620 journey to America aboard the Mayflower, and I met him when I was executive editor of Charisma magazine and Charisma Media a decade ago. At the time, Jessip told me he felt called to lead a national repentance movement.
He told me that President Abraham Lincoln was the last president to call for such an event. At the height of the Civil War, on March 30, 1863, Lincoln proclaimed ‘a day of National Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer.’ He later credited it with the North winning the Civil War, saving America, and ending slavery. George Washington credited a similar event with the colonial forces beating the British in the Revolutionary War and the birth of America. Throughout America’s early history, many presidents called for these sacred solemn assemblies, modeled after the ones the ancient Israelites would hold at times of national crisis.
After the release of Trumpocalypse in early 2018, Jessip began networking with a who’s who of major faith, political, and business leaders. He asked McGuire and me to write the White House executive summary for the event and persuaded Cahn to be the spokesman, and by a miracle of the Holy Spirit, it went forward. It was called The Return: National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance. It was held September 26, 2020, on the National Mall in Washington, DC. Thousands of people attended, and over forty-two million people watched it on television or online. On that day, Trump issued a proclamation for a ‘National Day of Prayer and Return’ and also flew over the National Mall in Marine One./p>
I later learned by reading A Prophet with Honor: The Billy Graham Story that Graham asked presidents from Dwight D. Eisenhower to George W. Bush to call for such an event, but none did until Trump did so.
As Jesus’ followers, are we being called to action? Is the destiny of America and the world in our hands? If we truly repent, turn away from our sins, and devote our lives to serving in God’s army of warriors, could we witness one last great revival before Jesus’ return?
Many people believe that we are now in a Nineveh moment. Has God put the ball in our court?
How does Trump fit into unfolding end-times prophecies? As the first president to issue a proclamation for a day of prayer and return since Lincoln, is he tied to the Nineveh moment? Did The Return and Trump’s proclamation affect God’s deliberations regarding our future?
After The Return, many prophetic leaders predicted that Trump would win the 2020 presidential election, but he didn’t.
Trump and many others have claimed the 2020 election was rigged, and a recent Monmouth University poll found 30 percent of Americans—including 68 percent of Republicans—‘believe that Joe Biden only won the presidency because of voter fraud.’
But regardless of what really happened, did God use the outcome of the election to humble Trump, widely known for his hubris, and has He used the last four years to awaken much of the United States and the world to the shocking level of evil and corruption in government, media, education, and society?
Will the pockets of revival that seemed to have started with the release of Pastor Greg Laurie’s hit movie Jesus Revolution, along with the Asbury Revival and similar ones, continue and grow?
Many people believe we are at a crossroads in time and wonder if America could still have a promising future, despite its many challenges.”
For more information on Troy Anderson’s newest book, 'The Trump Code,' visit MyCharismaShop.com