Don’t Let Doubt Take Your Identity
We are living in a world where down is up, left is right, and evil is good. Amid the chaos surrounding us, even our children are being drawn into the fray. Questions like “Who am I?” “What am I?” “Why am I here?” bombard these young minds on all sides—from mainstream media to academic classrooms. And the “answer” that they find often leads them down a path of further confusion and turmoil.
In response to this targeted movement, Christian creators have been pushing harder than ever to bring back morals into media. Film director Dallas Jenkins, creator of The Chosen Series, persistently “bugged” the rights holders of Barbara Robinson’s 1972 novel, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Eventually, Jenkins received these rights and carved a pathway for this lovely Christian story to hit the big screen. No matter what medium, it is our calling as Christians to share the faith!
Todd Mullins’s Don’t Let Doubt Take You Out echoes this concern for children during this era of identity crisis: “In today’s rapidly changing world, our children are facing an unprecedented identity crisis. The influences that shape their self-perception are more varied and powerful than ever before. Social media, peer pressure, and societal expectations can lead to confusion and insecurity.
‘Social media platforms…showcas[e] seemingly perfect lives, flawless appearances, and ideal bodies,’ says clinical therapist Alyssa Acosta of Loma Linda University Behavioral Health. ‘This constant exposure to images of seemingly perfect individuals can lead young people to develop unrealistic expectations about their own appearance and life achievements.’ This facade can cause children and teens to feel inadequate and question their worth, leading to an identity crisis, lowered self-esteem, and even body dysmorphia.
As parents, we must be the primary voice of truth in our children’s lives. Our words have the power to shape their identity and destiny. Julie and I decided early on to be the loudest voices in our son Jefferson’s life. We tried to make it a daily habit to affirm his value, reminding him he was fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. Even though he’s now an adult, we still celebrate his gifts and talents. We highlight his perseverance and determination and the kindness he shows toward others. We recognize that our job as his parents is to continually remind him of who he truly is so that no other voice could be as loud as ours.”
For more information on Todd Mullins’s new book, Don’t Let Doubt Take You Out, visit MyCharismaShop.com